Monday 11 October 2010

Chapter 9 - Just Wishes

Apple has her birthday - she is now a mature adult
She has reached the top of the education career and is now the District Superintendent.  She gets an opportunity to tutor a student after school - the student happens to be the babysitter that turns up everyday to look after the little ones that aren't at school.  I am not surprized she needs tutoring if she is babysitting for Apple instead of going to school!!!
Aidan has the virtuoso trait and spends a lot of time playing the guitar.  He has also inherited one of his dads traits - he is neurotic so he freaks out quite often and is always checking the fireplace and taps.
He has been getting pretty close to Asia Clavell lately
but then again - so has Aaron
I think there may be trouble brewing here in the future
Its Autumn's birthday - she ages up to a child
strange how Apple has not wished for any more birthday parties for the children
Austin also has a birthday and ages to a child
Aaron wanted to hangout with Marty so he was invited over
looks like he has had a birthday too
Marty asked Apple to move in with him (shock horror) but she had to decline, even though she liked the idea..  Marty had to leave to go to work but she thought the next time she saw him she would ask him to move in with them.

Strangely Apple keeps wishing to chat to and hang out with Thomas (Aidan and Aarons half brother) Quite strange as Thomas is still a teenager -
I hope he is not going to be her next fixation when he becomes a young adult.
Its time for April to become a teenager
April wished for some attention from dad so she invited him over
Looks like Apple managed to cook Dustins favourite meal - grilled salmon.
Is Apple ever going to make her mind up between Marty and Dustin??
Like mother like daughter - April didn't waste any time flirting with Thomas
How do you tell your half brother you are going steady with his half brother!!??
Aaron does not seem too impressed
Dont you just love those slippers!!  lol
The dishwasher has been broken for a while - suddenly Apple decides to have a go at fixing it herself
Not a good idea when you have no handy skill at all!!!
That was close!!!!


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