Thursday 25 November 2010

Caine's Tale - Just Wishes - Gen 4 - Part 3

Making breakfast the next morning, the maid came up behind me and started booing.  My life it didn't take the gossip mongers long!!
"Hey sis, guess what, its me causing a public scandal this time - makes a change from you doesn't it!!
"Shut up you cheeky git - its not funny Caine!!" Casey snapped at me
"I know - I know - I am going to sort it out today Blueberry promised we could talk."
Good - just make sure you get it right
I'll do my best!!"
Mom and Dad were moving today, they have brought a house on the other side of town.  Now that all us kids had grown up they thought they deserved "space of their own".  In their elderly years they were becoming a little tired and finding it hard to keep up with us all, especially now there was a child and a toddler running around and now another baby screaming the place down.

After seeing Mom and Dad settled into thier new home, I went round to try and sort things out with Blueberry.  Cherry answered the door and invited me straight in - good sign!!
"I see you and Mikie have been busy" I chuckled, "How long has it been since you two got married?"
"Eeerr ... Not long - but at least we are maried Caine!!" she snapped at me
"Ok - ok - keep your hair on I was only joking with you!!"
"So where is Blueberry? we have some talking to do"
"Oh - she is not here - she has taken Coral over to see our Mom and Dad"
My heart sank "What time will she be back?" I asked miserably
"I am not sure she is coming back tonight - she might be staying for a while" Cherry replied
"WHAT!!  .. She can't do this to me .... she promised!!"
It was then that I exploded, vented all my anger and frustration at Cherry, told her all the things I wasn't getting the chance to tell Blueberry.  She told me she would have a word with her sister then kicked me out.
I went home, quite distraught - worryiing that Blueberry was never coming back and that I would never see my baby again.  I even poured my heart out to Aleksey who I usually try to steer clear of, feeling very uneasy around vampires.
Blueberry didn't reappear next door that day, she arrived home with Coral during the middle of the night, unbeknown to me, and the next day I went off to work as normal.
Blueberry was totally exhausted - kept dropping down everywhere.  Casey found her asleep on the front garden.  Cherry and Mikie not home, Coral was left home alone.
How things can change so quickly.
I was plodding along at work, just going through the motions again - if I didn't buck my ideas up soon I had been warned I would be getting into serious trouble, but there was too much going on for me to even care about my job!!
My phone rang - it was Casey "Caine you need to come home quick, Blueberry is back and she's collapsed, you need to come look after Coral"
I just dropped my phone and ran.  Getting to Blueberry's I found Casey there with baby Damen, Coral screaming the house down and Blueberry sparked out on the floor, stinking to high heaven and still wearing the same clothes she had on two days ago.  Coral was in need of a diaper change and a feed.
I don't think that Blueberry was coping looking after the baby alone.
While I looked after Coral, Casey got Blueberry to her feet and got her to have a bath and a change of clothes.  Then she tried to talk some sense into Blueberry, she still wouldn't talk to me.
"Look Blueberry, you are obviously not coping - you and Caine need to sort yourselves out - If I hadn't found you on the front garden I dread to think what would have happened to Coral - social services - or even worse"   Casey said to her
"I know I'm sorry - all I need is a good nights sleep then I'll be fine -  promise"
"Your promises don't mean anything" I snapped "I'm taking Coral home with me - you obviously can not look after her!!"
"Your taking my baby nowhere - but out Caine - why are you even here ???
"Well if you would sit still for five minutes to listen to me you would know why I was here, there really is no need for all of this- you don't have a clue how I feel because you wont hear me out!!!"
"Whatever, run along and play with Charles, I'm sure he'll be missing you!!"
"JUST STOP IT you two - Blueberry you can move in with us, Mom and Dad have their own place now, so there is plenty of room for you and Coral"  Casey said
"No ....... I" Blueberry stuttered
"I'm not asking you I'm telling you you are.  We can help you get yourself back on your feet and you and Caine can sort yourselves out - this has gone on far too long!!"
 So I got to take my little girl home.
The public scandal rumbles on but, you know what, I don't care!!!
Blueberry slept for the next 24 hours while I looked after Coral.
I had a glimmer of hope that now that me and Blueberry were living under the same roof, that I would be able to pin her down long enough to get her to listen to me.
"Caine, you spoken to Blueberry yet??" Casey asked me
"No sis, ive been trying for days - all she wants to do is fight with me everytime I go near her"  "Can't you talk to her for me .......... please"
No Caine, you are big enough to do your own dirty work - you got this situation into a mess - you get it sorted out - I can't do everything for you - you managed to make Coral without my help, so I'm sure you can sort this out without my help!!"
"But she wont talk to me"
"She's sitting down the garden - go and try - be a man for a change - make her listen!!"
I could see her down the garden sitting on a bench in our little  "family cemetry"
Before I even sat down she started
"Don't even bother to sit down here Caine" she snapped
"Would it hurt you to listen to me for just five minutes - AND before you throw Charles at me again - there is no Charles and there hasn't been since the night we........ err you know!!"
"So, what are you saying now - that everything you told me the next day in the hot tub was a lies??"
"No - not exactly - just that I was confused and wrong and stupid!!"
"What's to be confused about you told me you loved Charles and what we did was a big mistake and should never have happened"
"I panicked, you was stalking me, I was busy sneaking about  - you caught me completely off guard"
"caught you off guard - how??"
"Look - Ive never done girls before its always been boys, I've never looked twice at a girl before and you were starting to get under my skin and I didnt deal with it very well"  she didnt say anything so I carried on.
"I thought I loved Charles but I now know I didn't - I've never loved him, I just thought I did because I didn't know what love felt like."
We carried on talking for hours - finally I had her full attention
Blueberry suddenly went to get up
"Don't go - I haven't finished" I said
"Yes you have, Ive heard enough - no more words"
We are now married and hopefully soon we will be getting our own place.
So we can get Coral some brothers and sisters to play with.


Caine, Blueberry & Coral
can be downloaded here


1 comment:

  1. Aw, what a cute, crazy little side story! Very enjoyable, I'm glad Caine and Blueberry are together!
