Monday 22 November 2010

Chapter 31 - Just Wishes - Gen 4

How can this be happening??

Engaged a day, and Casey is pregnant!!!
They had not even tried for a baby, been very careful, this is one very big accident!!!!  Neither of them wanted children yet!!!  Casey had not got a job and Aleksey has a very low paid job at the grocery strore - this is definately a disaster!!!
Aleksey, was not angry when she told him, he actually looked quite please, but neither of them actually wished for either a boy or a girl - they would just have to deal with whatever came!!
Well at least Alex was happy about the forthcoming baby, never stopped feeling Casey's tummy!!
Aleksey, finally got to meet his grandfather, Dustin Langerak, 
even if it was just his ghost.
Caine kept bringing home from school with him Natalie Keaton, who is infact Billies half sister, and Casey and Caines Aunty.  Sasha, Billies mother, has been busy in the children department, we didnt even know she existed until she turned up on the door step!! (not having checked the family tree for quite a while!!)
We had quite an eventful night ahead of us and that was just the start of a few days of havac!!!!!  The first time the doorbell rang, it was Katina coming to visit, Billies sister, one of the "accidental" twins that Austin and Sasha had that caused the public scandal.
The next time the doorbell rang, it was Mikie Song, Aleksey's dad.
Oh dear - April, Alekseys mom, had died and Mikie was heartbroken!!  They never did get married, stayed engaged till the end.
Everyone had a go at trying to cheer Mikie up
Billie what are you doing - you don't go asking him questions like that!!!!
Now he thinks you are flirting with him!!!!!! You are not are you???!!!
So what does he do - he flirts right back at you and you are letting him!!
Alex flies inbetween them both - looks like he isnt really sure if he saw what he thought he saw!!!
Luckily, the moment was interupted by a screaming Casey
"This is not funny - just get me to the hospital and quick!!!!"
Over 6 hours later at 6.05am baby Dawn arrived, a little vampire baby girl.
You wouldn't think that this little bundle would cause so much commotion - 
well she has!!
PUBLIC SCANDAL - having a child out of wedlock!!!!
For the next three days Casey and Aleksey need to go into hiding!!!
besides the public scandal - I think grandma and grandpa are getting broody!!
Casey wants to get married, thankfully!!!  
Maybe now they can get some peace and the publc scandals will stop!!
No big wedding - the quicker the better!!
The next day Caseys agent phones her and asks her to go down to the bookstore to attend a book signing.  So off she goes while Aleksey is at work.  When she walks out of the bookshop she spots her brother Callum and wonders over to have a chat.
STOP WITH THE BOOING - this is beginning to get very annoying!!!!
Even her brother does not seem to have much to say to her.
Oh look its their Uncle Brandon (Billies brother)  and Aunty Apricot, well at least Brandon seems happy to see her, I cant say the same for her Aunty though!!!
Aleksey finishes work and joins Casey as its only a few buildings away.  He's proud of his little girl and launches straight into telling Callum all about her.  Casey admires her wedding ring, notice nobody jumps up to congratulate them on their marriage!!!
Then Billie has a though - "I want to become a vampire!!"
On returning home, the sight that greated them was quite shocking
the front garden was busier than normal tonight!!  Paparazzi everywhere and
Oh - Austin has come to visit - he rings the doorbell
by the time Billie got to the door to let her dad in the place was swarming!!!
 Casey and Aleksey had to make a dash into the house just to get away from the papparazi  Katina had come to visit with Austin - looks like she has had her birthday since her last visit.  Casey can not even get away from the public scandal rubbish from her family at home!!!
Austin just stood around for a while looking lost and he kept thinking about how tired he was.
Cassey had a chat with Austin, asking him to stay the night as she wanted to to play a game with him and go hot tubbing with him, and he looked far too tired to do it tonight.
Then it happened ............................... OMG!!!!!!
Had Austin just come home to say goodbye???!!!!!
Even Carls ghost came out to join the mourning family
Goodbye Austin (sob sob)
The phone starts ringing  - Austin Bramley has just passed away from old age
ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  - YES WE KNOW!!!!!!!
Day breaks and the sun starts to come up, but Carl sticks around long enough to cry on his mothers shoulder before he dissappears of into never never land.
Ausins grave is moved to the little family cemetry slowly building up in the corner of the garden,
I bet Apple never fore sore a family graveyard when she had the house built!!!
Austin is happy  and at home - at last!!
Chapter 32

1 comment:

  1. Austin and the grim reaper are still buddies I would assume. LoL He enjoys meditating even in death. At least he came by at the end.
