Letting the Skeletons out of the cupboard!!
I waited till after work had finished the next day then headed straight to Deans house instead of going home.
"Hiya Faith and what do I owe the pleasure of your company tonight"
He hugged me as soon as I got through the door.
"Its not going to be a pleasure for you I don't think"
"and why not" Dean laughed
"Tell me - why were you at the hospital the night I saw you arguing with Edward?"
"I don't really think that is any of your business do you"
"I think it is - because I am sure that was the night that Hansan was born"
"And what if it was"
"My Dad thinks he has a new baby brother - when I think he actually has a new baby Half brother"
"You were at the hospital seeing your new baby son weren't you"
He laughed "and what has made you come up with this conclusion"
"His eyes - he has your eyes and your hair - and what other reason would you have for being outside the hospital arguing with your nephew the same night that his mother, your brothers wife gives birth to a baby that looks just like you!!!"
"You and your Dad have the same hair colour - so why think he is my child."
"Because nobody in our family has your eyes - only you and Hasan - I have over heard my Dad talking to my mom and in his words you have had your slimey hands all over his mother, which means to me at some point you have had an affair with my grandmother. He is your child isn't he Dean"
He turned away from me then, so I could not see the look on his face.
"You are a clever little thing aren't you - I think you should sit down"
"I don't need to sit down"
"SIT DOWN - you might be very clever but you are also very stupid - stupid for forcing me to tell you everything, which I am going to have to do now, and it is going to take time, so sit!!"
So I sat down and he sat down beside me. He sat there in silence for quite a while, before he started to speak.
"Yes, Hansan is my child, yes, I am having an affair with you Grandmother and it has been going on since before you was born, and yes, we have had an accident, made a stupid mistake, however you want to put it."
"Does my Grandad know?"
"He knew when it started but he thought it finished the same day, but it didn't we carried on and never stopped"
"And Hansan?"
"He thinks Hansan is his child"
"Why - why so long and why does she not leave him"
"She stays to protect one of her children"
"What? Who - that does not make much sense!!"
"Let me start at the beginning - then it might make some sense to you"
"Our family did not originally come from this island, we moved here after my mother died, when me and Damen were teenagers. My Dad had had an affair, he got caught and my mom died suddenly before they repaired their relationship. My Dad moved us to this island trying to run away from his guilt and sometimes I wander what would have happened to our lives if we had not moved to this stupid place!! Two women born on this island - we never would have met - and none of this would never have happened."
"Two women??"
"Shhhh stop interupting me just let me speak"
"Me and Damen have never got on as brothers ever since we were kids, when we were teenagers it got worse and the day Damen brought Lilac home was the day it killed any relationship between me and my brother. We both fell in love with Lilac - the mistake I made was not fighting for her - I just stepped back and let my brother sweep her off her feet, which he did. I lived in hell watching them together every day, Damen knew how I fellt about Lilac, so he just stepped up his game and found every opportunity just to wind me up!! I had to get out - so the first woman that threw herself at me I took, poor Bannoffee, she was a kind and sweet person, she knew I did not love her but she loved me anyway. We had a child and that trapped me into a life where I just existed for my child and as long as I did not see Lilac I could survive just about."
"Life carried on until Edwin and Edward came to work at the science facility. I hated it at first, seeing them everyday was just a reminder of what my brother had that I didn't have - but they were my nephews and it was not their fault. Your dad in particular I started to get very close to - we got on well, and in a way that did not help because he would quite often phone me up to hang out, so I would go round and I would see Damen and Lilac - made my agony even worse."
"Everything changed when my Dad died. Your Dad had married Eva. Which one of you is the third child?"
"Eeer... me and Flora"
He laughed a little "Well they had two children and it all started when your mom was expecting you and your sister. Lilac was very upset my dad had just died, but it was not just his death - there was something else upsetting her.
Now this is the part you are going to wish I had never told you!!!!! Lilac came to me and told me there was something going on between Damen and Eva - she had caught them and more than once."
"MOM and GRANDAD!!!"

"Yes your mom, and your grandad have a thing going on between them, which to be honest with you I don't think that has stopped either Over the years on occassions I have seen him sneaking in and out of your house while your Dad has been at work. Your Dad, is the only innocent party in all of this - me and your grandma take all the blame for the mess, but your Dad only knows half of the story - your mom and your grandad, Edwin knows nothing about!!" Sometimes I even wander if Damen does love Lilac, knowing my brother and the rivalry between us I often wander if he just keeps Lilac just so I can not have her - he would die rather than see me take something away from him."

"Anyway, The day Lilac was upset, she came to me and all I was trying to do was comfort her. I blurted out that I loved her, because she was way too close to me and my head was giddy - and she kissed me. I tried to stop it and moved away from her but a while later I found her in the basement crying and she kissed me again and that I could not stop!! Everyone was asleep and we stood there all night until your mother woke and caught us. Eva and Lilac by this point already hated each other and were constantly fighting so Lilac just shoo'd Eva away. I went up to the kitchen for plasma juice and Lilac followed me and started kissing me again - lost in our own little world, everyone saw us then - Damen, Edwin and Eva - all saw us together. We had a fight, Eva started to have a go at me so I started shouting back, your dad jumped in to protect her and I stupidly blarted out that he should have kept her under better control then none of this would have happened, luckily your Dad never clicked on to what I was saying, but Damen knew straight away that I knew his little secret and so did Eva. Damen told me to leave, but Damen came round later and we finished the fight away from Edwin so as he would not have found out what else had been going on."
"We agreed that I would keep away from Lilac if he kept away from Eva. If Edwin ever found out it would have destroyed him!!! We agreed that Lilac and Damen would move out of that house leaving it to Edwin, move to the other side of town and from then on keep out of each others lives. But Damen did not keep his promise, only a few days later Lilac saw them together again. That is when she came to me and that was when we mapped our life out. She more than me said the way it would be - she loves me yes, more than she loves Damen she says, but she has to stay with Damen to protect your Dad."

"I dont get it"
"If Lilac left him - what would Damen do - think about it - he would just go straight to Eva. Lilac stays with Damen to keep him away from your Mom. The last thing she wants is your Dad having his heart broken and she is willing - we are willing - to sacrifice what we want to protect your Dad."
"But my mom loves my dad I know she does - you can see it!!"
"Yes she may do, but she also has something going on with your Grandad that they have not stopped - she might chose Edwin over Damen - but we do not want to take that risk - would you??"
"My Dad hates you and Grandma and all this time you are doing something for him and he does not even know it - while Mom and Grandad are getting away scot free when they are no better than you and Grandma"
"Yes and he must never know!!!!"
"I take it Edward knows something"
"Unfortunately Edward knows everything, like you he is not stupid"
"We have been really stupid, and if you can tell Hansan is my child, how long will it be before somebody else realises??"
"I don't know whether to hate you or pity you??"
"That is entirely up to you how you want to see me - but if you love your Dad, you will keep all of this to yourself and not tell a sole - not even that boyfriend of yours"
"And Hanson - will he know you are his Dad?"
"That is one answer I can not give you, I hate every minute he is away from me, but we can not decide what to do - it is tearing us both apart"
I could not hate him when I just felt sorry for him!!Dean had given me a lot to think about - what was I going to do now????!!!
Chapter 69