Monday, 27 December 2010

Chapter 57 - Just Wishes - Gen 6

Things are a little happier round the house these days!!
It looks like finally mom and dad are getting thier act together.
Even though I am not too keen on watching my parents act like love sick teenagers again, I would much rather this than the fighting, arguing and silences we had before!!
My grandmothers ghost finally appeared - I havent seen my grandads ghost yet since he died.
The girls are getting their skills learnt slowly
Eva is spending far too much time at work and she is finding it way too demanding!!!  She is now a medical intern.  All she ever seems to do is work and sleep, being on call alot for hospital emergencies, does not help.  She has hardly spent any time with me or the kids for ages, it feels like she is becoming a stranger, the children hardly know her!!!
Time for Finlay to have his birthday.  I am very worried about lighting the candles on this cake, I just hope we don't get a repeat of Fletchers birthday and the exploding cake!!
It all goes well, and Finlay ages up just fine!!
I am watching mom and dad fooling around and its making me a little jealous.  So I was quite happy when Eva told me she wanted to quit her job!!!  Me and the children could have more time with her now!!!
Mom and Dad have decided to make a fresh start - get their own place and start over - I hope that doesn't mean more brothers and sisters!!!
So now it is just me, Eva and our four children left at home - I am hoping we might start trying for another baby soon!!
I have a big day ahead of me today.  I have been doing really well at work, I am now a Top Secret Resercher, the level below my LTW job of being a Creature Robot Cross Breeder.  There has been talk that I will be getting another promotion very soon, so I am working extra hard today!!  When the carpool starts hoking outside, I set off running - dont want to be late for work!!!
Eva is now a full time mom now she has quit her job at the hospital, and getting to know the children at last.  She is finishing off the girls potty training at the moment, as neither of them are very good at using the potty yet.
I got home from work pretty excited.  Eva was not looking too good,
"Hey whats wrong?"
"I don't know I feel so sick" she said as she ran off to the bathroom.
my phone rang, quite shocked when I looked at the caller ID - it was Uncle Dean.
He was phoning about something work related.
Eva came out of the bathroom
"Guess what - Ive had another promotion at work!!" I said excitedly "Ive achieved my LTW - I'm a Creater Robot Cross Breeder!!!"
"Thats brilliant!!!  Eerrr..... don't kiss me I've just been sick"
"I don't care!!"
I was getting a little worried Eva was sick for the rest of the day.
We slept in the basement that night.
and while I was soundly sleeping, Eva was woken by sickness, and got to realize that she had just been experiencing morning sickness for the first time ever!!!!  Which incidentally didn't stop during the whole pregnancy!!!
"It was morning sickness" she said to me
"What was?"
"My sickness - we are having another baby!!"
Apparently Eva peed herself in public, according to the latest public scandal going around!!  Of course we know it is not true!!
Ive decided I want to master the Gardening skill, it will help me at work too!!  I am only one level away from mastering it so it should not take me too long!!
Flora keeps making me laugh - but I just hope she is not going to become a couch potato because she is spending way too much watching tv already and she is only a toddler, if ever we cant find her we know she will be infront of the tv.
I wanted to hang out with Edward, so I decided to pop round and see both of my brothers Eider and Edward who are still living together.  They both have girlfriends who live elsewhere, so I dont think either of them are in a serious relationship yet.
It is quite funny how I should, but don't,  really feel any conection with either Eider or Edward, being triplets you would have thought we would have had a connection.  They have with each other - they are like two peas in a pod - me I still am the odd one out!!
"I hope there is only one in there - that is one huge bump you are growing!!"
"What do you want this time - I think I would like another girl"
"I don't care - boy or girl - I wouldn't mind what it is!!"
Time for the girls to have their birthday.  First up Faith.
My phone rang as Faith was ageing up - it was my neice Reina, Ethans daughter.  The last time I saw her she was just a toddler - I should go and hangout with her soon!!
Faith doesn't care that Flora still has to have her birthday yet, she gets stuck into her birthday cake!!
Next its Flora's turn
 Flora made a beeline for the tv and Faith followed her
 "I am really tired - shall we have an early night?!"
We went off to bed and left the girls watching tv.
We had not been asleep very long when Eva woke me up moaning
"Edwin, the baby is coming!"
We went off to the hospital
but yet again, I chickened out and waited outside the hospital for Eva 
She soon came out with our new baby boy - Foster.
Eva was exhausted and went straight off to bed and left me to settle Foster into his crib.
I have achieved my lifetime wish, Eva will achieve hers when this little fella becomes a teenager.  I have plenty of time to sit back and watch my children grow up before I chose an heir to carry on with the 7th generation of this family's tale!!

Chapter 58